Calcium is a major mineral essential for healthy bones and teeth. There are several minerals known to be essential to the human body and which must be obtained from food. The major minerals (calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium, chloride and potassium) are needed in the greatest quantities or are present in large amounts in the body. The three main functions of minerals are as constituents of the skeleton, as soluble salts which help control the composition of the body fluids, and as essential adjuncts to the action of many enzymes and other proteins.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Amazing Nutrients For Healthy Skin Care Revealed

What if I told you that the majority of skin care on the market contains little that is good for you and much that is bad? Finding the best nutrients for healthy skin care requires a little research, but some exceptional ones do exist that will change the way you think about your own skin care.

For as long as I can remember we have been bombarded daily by the famous names advertizing and most of us use their products even though we know they never really live up to their expectations!

The truth is they contain many harmful chemicals like mineral oil, a petroleum by-product and parabens and fragrances, some of which can damage your health over the long term. To find the nutrients for healthy skin care means avoiding the mainstream and looking to the lesser known companies and ingredients.

Probably one of the best in the world for nutrients is called Phytessence wakame, an extract from Japanese sea kelp and eaten daily in Japan for its health giving qualities. This incredible ingredient is overflowing with antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and more calcium than milk to drench your skin in goodness, improving the elasticity and firmness and healing any dry or irritated areas.

Natural oils that are similar to your skins own include Grapeseed, Avocado and Macadamia, and these are also full of antioxidants and vitamins to nourish deep down, helping to keep out everyday dirt and grime while locking in moisture and providing essential nutrients for healthy skin.

There are many others including Cynergy TK, Babassu wax from the Amazon rainforest and active Manuka honey and all work together synergistically to not only leave your skin healthier, softer and smoother but improve your overall health too.

This is the essential difference compared to your standard skin care in that you can use products free from harmful chemicals that over-deliver on their promises while helping to keep you healthy.

These ingredients will deliver all the nutrients for healthy skin that you could ever wish for.

Visit my website today to discover more potent natural substances that help to keep your skin radiant and healthy.

Autor: Rachel Hammond

Discover the best nutrients for healthy skin in the best skin care today.

Rachel Hammond is a dedicated researcher and user of high quality natural skin care. Discover the very latest, natural and effective anti-aging skin care products Rachel recommends after extensive research.

Added: July 22, 2009

Monday, July 20, 2009

The Best Water Purification Systems For the Home and What to Look For

Being composed of 70% water ourselves, the quality of what we drink directly impacts on our health and with thousands of toxic chemicals in our supply we need the best water purification systems for home possible.

With so many water purification products on the market, it can seem a confusing task, but once you know exactly what to look for based on proven results, the task becomes a much easier one.

With toxins like chlorine, pesticides, herbicides, lead and prescription drugs commonly found in our drinking water, it is essential to use an effective product. After all, this may well be the most important health investment you make, so you want to get it right.

The popular reverse osmosis water purification systems for home are best avoided as they strip the minerals like calcium and magnesium from the water whilst allowing many of the dangerous synthetic toxins like pesticides to come through their inadequate filters.

The World Health Organization states that we need to get these minerals from water, as we absorb them more easily this way than from any other source.

Using the latest cutting-edge technology, multi-stage activated carbon block filters provide the best protection. When combined with an ion exchange and sub micron filtering you have the best possible combination.

These types of water purification products will remove over ninety-nine per cent of all the bad stuff, including those synthetic toxins and leave in the vital trace minerals we need, making them the best choice for water purification systems for the home.

With the situation likely to get worse as the municipals just can't seem to cope effectively anymore, and with the introduction of chloramine as a disinfectant in many states, it is more important than ever to get the right protection, and these multi-stage systems will do just that.

Visit my website today to discover more details you need to know when it comes to choosing water purification systems for home use.

Autor: Raymond Hamilton

Discover the best water purification systems for home today.

Ray Hamilton is a dedicated advocate and researcher of the incredible benefits of safe, clean healthy water. Discover which products Ray recommends after extensive research.

Added: July 20, 2009

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Pure Water Distillers and the Reasons Why You Should Avoid Them

With today's cutting-edge technology, pure water distillers are fast becoming obsolete as they can leave you with water that can damage your health over the long term. Let me show you how.

They were originally designed like reverse osmosis systems for the print industries which wanted lots of demineralized water. The problem is humans aren't designed to use water without the minerals in, and also these systems still allow many synthetic toxins like herbicides and prescription drugs through.

Even the World Health Organization clearly states that we must be able to drink water with the essential minerals like calcium and potassium in, something which pure water distillers don't do.

You are meant to put distilled water in your car battery, not your body!

Distillers require an awful lot of space, are very slow at producing the sterilized water and are also very costly. Not really an ideal system to pay out your hard earned dollars on when far better and much less expensive options are available to you.

To stay healthy and protect you from the many harmful toxins in our supply today, a multi-stage activated carbon block filter is the answer and the only one that is recommended by the US EPA.

When combined with an ion exchange and sub micron filtering, the very best can achieve a removal rate of 99.9% for all the contaminants, leaving you only pure healthy water. It amazes me that these pure water distillers are still available to the domestic consumer as they are so inadequate for today's world.

The recent decision by many municipals to use chloramine as the toxin of choice over chlorine for disinfecting our supply means it is more important than ever to use an effective system. Chloramine stays in the system for longer and leeches out lead from the pipes and fittings, leaving you with considerably higher toxic lead levels in your drinking water.

The multi-stage systems can cope with this maintaining the 99.9% removal rate for lead.

So if you really want the best and most effective home filtration system, forget pure water distillers and look for carbon block filters instead.

Visit my website today if you would like to learn more about the types of water filtration systems that I personally recommend and use.

Autor: Raymond Hamilton

Discover the best home water purifier today.

Ray Hamilton is a dedicated advocate and researcher of the incredible benefits of safe, clean healthy water. Discover which products Ray recommends after extensive research.

Added: July 19, 2009

Thursday, July 16, 2009

An Overview of Fat Soluble Minerals and Vitamins

The next time you decide to go on a strictly fat free diet, you should know that you may end up having a deficiency of some of these very important vitamins and minerals. Fat soluble vitamins and minerals depend on fats for their absorption and also for their transportation around the body. Here are some of the fat soluble minerals that are of great importance to the body especially to bodybuilders.

Iron is a trace element that's responsible for the transport of oxygen in your body ad also for the production f energy in your body. It is responsible for how fast your body recovers. It's mainly stored in the liver, spleen and marrow. Spinach is not the only source of iron so you can relax, regardless of what Popeye says. Meat, grains, fish, beans ad vegetables are also rich I iron. Iron deficiency may lead to anemia, fatigue, excessive menstrual bleeding, digestive problems and even intestinal hemorrhaging. It is very dangerous if take in excess and it can be fatal in kids. It can cause liver and heart damage as well as lower zinc levels.

Magnesium which is known to bodybuilders as their testosterone booster is also fat soluble. It is involved in both protein synthesis and energy production which are two crucial roles especially to bodybuilders. A deficiency will cause poor memory, confusion, irritability and severe depression. Excessive intake is rarely toxic but toxicity may cause kidney and cardiovascular problems. Magnesium sources include sea food, apples, nuts, water and meat and also some vegetables.

Calcium is a fat soluble mineral that's especially important to weight trainers. It helps in maintaining a high bone density meaning that you won't fracture your bones just after picking a dumbbell. It is also involved in the contraction of muscles as well as in the transport of various amino acids and creatine as well. A deficiency may lead to muscle cramps, weak bones, stunted growth in kids and also convulsions, depression, insomnia, arthritis and eczema among other effects. An excessive intake may cause one to experience magnesium deficiency as well as low zinc and iron absorption. Sources of calcium are dairy products, fruits, seafood as well as some vegetables.

Vitamin D is fat soluble and is referred to as the sun vitamin because it I synthesized when cholesterol is influenced by unfiltered sunlight. It helps in the absorption of both calcium and phosphorus which are two important minerals in the body. A deficiency in vitamin D will ultimately lower the levels of calcium and phosphorus in the body. Toxic effects cause vomiting, calcifying of veins, abdominal cramps and increased thirst. Sources are tuna, butter, egg yolks and liver.

Vitamin E is an excellent antioxidant and its sources include nuts, oils, beef, seafood and celery among other sources. It is also good at preventing and curing simple illnesses such as the common cold. Deficiency though rare will be shown by acne, decreased fertility, cancer ad gall stones among other effects. If taken in excess I can lead to diarrhea.

Autor: Dane C. Fletcher Dane C. Fletcher
Level: Platinum
My name is Dane Fletcher and I have been helping people get Big AND Shredded for more than 10 years. In that time, I"ve learned ... ...

Dane Fletcher is the world's most prolific bodybuilding and fitness expert and is currently the executive editor for If you are looking for more bodybuilding tips or information on weight training, or supplementation, please visit, the bodybuilding and fitness authority site with hundreds of articles available FREE to help you meet your goals.

Added: July 16, 2009

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Body Language - The Physical Clues to Health and Disease

One key to creating health is to listen to ourselves and our bodies. Being aware is a powerful tool, one that allows us to understand clues and symptoms of both health and disease. These tips come in the form of cravings, moods, or physical cues and can make the difference between losing weight and looking great or being frustrated with our health. Here are five quick ways to tell how your health stacks up today:

Never Let 'Em See You Sweat- Not true! Sweating easily is a sign of physical conditioning and health. It removes toxins and too much sodium from the body and helps regulate body temperature when you exercise. One of the goals of any fitness routine should be to work up at least a light sweat. Sweat can also give you clues into your health. A lack of sweat can mean you are dehydrated while night sweats can mean trouble with your thyroid.

Blue Mood: You might not think that nutrition has much to do with fatigue, but think again. Ditto PMS, and mental fogginess-

* Many times, fatigue, especially in the middle of the day or early evening, is directly related to not getting enough complex carbohydrates, enough water, or enough iron.

* the bloating and moodiness associated with PMS can be caused by not getting enough calcium and magnesium and by eating too much sugar. Taking a calcium supplement that also includes magnesium (for proper calcium absorption) and cutting back on sugar can really help ease the symptoms of PMS.

* Depression can also be exacerbated by poor nutrition, mainly not getting enough Omega 3 fatty acids, which is why many people on a low fat diet can experience sadness, anxiety and anger. Supplementing with wild caught fish, nuts, and flax seed oil in dressings, sauces, and soups is a great way to make sure you are getting enough healthy fats.

* A lack of vitamin E and/or iron is associated with mental fogginess. This can also be caused by not eating enough vegetables and a lack of antioxidants. Nuts and seeds are wonderful for vitamin E while leafy greens such as kale, spinach, and chard are good sources of antioxidants and iron.

Craving Health: They come in so many forms and can really spell torture for those of us trying to get ourselves healthy.

* Craving carbs? You might not be eating enough calories. Not only are you slowing your metabolism but you aren't getting enough vitamins for good health.

* Craving salty foods? Exhausted adrenals might be to blame. Try drinking more water, sleeping more, and relieving anxiety.

* Sugar getting to you? An overabundance of yeast may be to blame. Chances are, if you cut sugar out of your diet for a week or two those cravings will begin to disappear. Drinking water with lemon and avoiding white flour, vinegar, and mushrooms for a bit may also help.

A Sensitive Topic: Not many of us like to look at, let alone talk about our eliminations, but poo really does show us how healthy we are. Healthy poo should have the size and shape of a banana, shouldn't smell, should float, and should be golden brown in color. Some common aberrations?

* Color-dark colored eliminations can mean you aren't eating enough vegetables or are eating too much salt. Greenish poo can mean too much sugar in the diet.

* Frequency-going once to twice a day is ideal. Less means that toxins aren't leaving your body properly and can mean you are allergic to dairy or wheat, aren't eating enough vegetables, or are not drinking enough water.

* Consistency-your eliminations should be the consistency of an unripe banana. Pebble like poo means you aren't getting enough fiber while more liquid stool can point to allergies or lactose intolerance.

Autor: Jen Boda and Jennifer A Howard

Jen Boda

Added: July 14, 2009

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Natural Health - Keen What? - A Delicious High Protein Food You Will Love

Many people think "quinoa" (pronounced Keen-wah) is a grain but it's not - it is a seed related to the Spinach family. Even though it is a seed, quinoa cooks and tastes like a grain. The earliest records of its use go back 5,000 years to the Incas, but it is now being rediscovered and used as a new super food.

Quinoa is the ideal gluten-free replacement for people who have to avoid grains, such as Candida sufferers and celiacs. Celiacs benefit from having a gluten free alternative and Candida sufferers are thrilled to find out that it doesn't feed the Candida organism - it feeds the normal bowel bacteria. But you don't have to suffer from one of these complaints to get the benefit of it. Quinoa is a complete source of protein, containing all the essential amino acids that we need to be healthy.

This makes it ideal to form part of a vegetarian diet, particularly as it is easily digested. The benefits don't stop there. It is a rich source of fiber and contains more essential minerals than traditional grains. It is also a good source of the important mineral magnesium, and magnesium plays many roles in our body, contributing to lowering blood pressure, reducing inflammation and controlling our blood sugar levels.

This makes it a good food for diabetics, migraine sufferers, arthritis sufferers, heart patients and sufferers from other inflammatory diseases. Quinoa has high levels of the important antioxidants copper and manganese as well. Tests show that it is a rich source of these minerals along with calcium, iron, phosphorus, potassium and zinc, richer than the usually used grains of wheat, barley and corn.

Quinoa can be used in any meal; it is an ideal breakfast food. I like to cook carrots and onions in my quinoa for breakfast. It can also be made as a couscous style salad for lunch or used in evening meals.

Some quinoa dishes recommend soaking it before cooking. You can add probiotics to the soaking water which increases its digestive benefits. Give Quinoa a try, it has many fans, and for good reason. It can be found in most health food stores or online.

Autor: Marilee Tolen Marilee Tolen
Level: Platinum
Marilee Tolen RN is one of the first nurses in the country to gain Board Certification in Holistic Nursing. A former Intensive Care Unit Nurse ... ...

Visit for simple tips on natural health and beauty that you can do at home. Subscribe to Home Spa Lady's free "Tips of the Week" newsletter delivered to you each and every Wednesday in your e-mailbox. Visit Home Spa Lady's blog to read tips right now!

Added: July 13, 2009

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Pre Menstrual Syndrome PMS - Diet - Whole Grain

As we mentioned in previous article, premenstrual syndrome is defined as faulty function of the ovaries related to the women's menstrual cycle, it effects a women's physical and emotional state, and sometimes interferes with daily activities as a result of hormone fluctuation. The syndrome occurs one to two weeks before menstruation and then declines when the period starts. In this article, we will discuss how whole grain effects women with premenstrual syndrome. Taking a breakfast with whole grain cereal in the morning is recommended.

I. Definition
Whole grains are made from the whole kernels of grain, that is both the inside part of the grain and the outer covering. It contains contain bran, germ and endosperm.

II. How whole grain effects women with PMS

1. Fiber
Whole grain in it original form contains high amount of fiber, it not only helps to slow down the conversion from carbohydrate into glucose in the bloodstream, but also increase the feeling of fullness in the stomach and improve the large intestine muscles in moving stool, thereby, decreasing the blood sugar fluctuation, weigh gain and constipation.

2. Lignan
It also contains lignan which helps to reduce the bad cholesterol and triglycerides, thereby, increasing the oxygen circulation in the bloodstream resulting in increasing the the nervous system in transmitting information between cells and glands and lessening the nervous tension such as fatigue and weakness and loss of energy.

3. Phytochemicals
Phytochemicals not only help to immune system fighting against invasion of bacteria and virus which cause infection in the reproductive organ and inflammation caused by oxygen oxidation in cells, it also reduces premenstrual pain and cramps for some women with PMS.

4. Minerals and vitamins
Whole grain contains all kinds of vital minerals including vitamin B complex,magnesium, calcium and potassium, which besides helps to improve the function of lymphatic function in fluid regulation and bone density, it also reduce the hormone imbalance, thereby, decreasing the risk of nervous tension including stress, anxiety and depression.

5. Digestive system
It also contains high levels of tannins, which not only helps to treat diarrhea but does not stop the flow of the disturbing substance in the stomach by controlling the irritation in the small intestine thereby, increasing the digestive function in absorbing vital nutrients which are found deficient for women with premenstrual syndrome.

Autor: Kyle J Norton Kyle J Norton
Level: Platinum
I have been studying natural remedies for disease prevention for over 20 years...

I hope this information will help. If you need more information of insurance or series of articles of the above subject at my home page at: To read the complete series of premenstrual syndrome, please visit

All rights reserved. Any reproducing of this article must have the author name and all the links intact. "Let Take Care Your Health, Your Health Will Take Care You" Kyle J. Norton. I have been studying natural remedies for disease prevention for over 20 years and working as a financial consultant since 1990. Master degree in Mathematics, teaching and tutoring math at colleges and universities before joining insurance industries. Part time Health and entertainment Article Writer.

Added: July 12, 2009

Friday, July 10, 2009

Pre Menstrual Syndrome PMS And Diet - Bok Choy

As we mentioned in previous article, Premenstrual syndrome is defined as faulty function of the ovaries related to the women's menstrual cycle, it effects a women's physical and emotional state, and sometimes interferes with daily activities as a result of hormone fluctuation. The syndrome occurs one to two weeks before menstruation and then declines when the period starts. In this article, we will discuss how bok choy effects women with premenstrual syndrome.

I. Definition
Bok choy is also known as Chinese cabbage which has been used as foods since Tang dynasty because of it's easily cultivate nature and high sources of nutrients.

II. How bok choy effects women with PMS

1. Antioxidant
Bok choy contains high amount of antioxidant including vitamin A, C and beta carotene which only helps to prevent cancer but also strengthen the immune system in protecting our body from infection including the reproductive organs caused by bacteria and virus.

2. Fiber
It also contain high amount of fiber which not only helps the digestive system in moving stool resulting but also decreases the risk of fluctuation of sugar levels in the bloodstream resulting in lessening the risk of food craving and constipation and back pains.

3. Minerals
It also contains variety of minerals including potassium, sodium, magnesium and calcium which not only help to improve the liver function in carbohydrate synthesis and fat and protein metabolism but also decreasing the risk of water retention and blood sugar fluctuation.

4. Homocysteine
Homocysteine is one of amino acid which is converted into cysteine with the present of vitamin B complex. Deficiency of vitamin B causes high levels of honocysteine resulting in increasing the risk of heart disease and decreasing the function of blood circulation in the body causing fatigue, tiredness and emotional and physical stress.

5. Respiratory system
Bok choy not only helps prevent irregular cell growth in the lung but also increases the function of lung in absorbing oxygen resulting in increasing the oxygen in the bloodstream and reducing some symptoms of nervous disorder.

Autor: Kyle J Norton Kyle J Norton
Level: Platinum
I have been studying natural remedies for disease prevention for over 20 years...

I hope this information will help. If you need more information of insurance or series of articles of the above subject at my home page at: To read the complete series of premenstrual syndrome, please visit

All rights reserved. Any reproducing of this article must have the author name and all the links intact. "Let Take Care Your Health, Your Health Will Take Care You" Kyle J. Norton. I have been studying natural remedies for disease prevention for over 20 years and working as a financial consultant since 1990. Master degree in Mathematics, teaching and tutoring math at colleges and universities before joining insurance industries. Part time Health and entertainment Article Writer.

Added: July 10, 2009

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Get Huge Biceps Fast - 5 Amazing Tips to Get Huge Biceps Fast!

If you are focused on getting huge biceps fast, then there are a few secrets you need to know:

  1. Go in for heavy weights: doing many repetitions with light weights won't have very good results. You need to lift very heavy weights and to do fewer repetitions. You must do 6 sets and 10 reps of each exercise.
  2. Eating muscle building foods: you need to make sure that you consume adequate amount of nutrients every day. Here are some foods you should eat: Tuna: this fish is low in fat, but very high in omega-3 fatty acids that promote muscle growth. Red meat: red meat can provide your body with iron, B-vitamins, zinc and creatine. Milk: it's an excellent source of calcium. Cottage cheese: it contains glutamine that prevents muscular breakdown. Nuts: peanuts and almonds can provide you with potassium, magnesium, vitamin E and fiber. Eggs: they contain protein of high biological value that can be easily absorbed by the body. One egg can give you 6 grams of protein and many vitamins like B12, B6, D and E. You can remove the yolk and eat only the white. Chicken and turkey breast: another great source of protein that is also low in fat.
  3. Avoid excessive training: you should train no more than 4-5 times a week. Your biceps grow during rest and you also need to allow your body to repair all the tissue damages that were created by working out.
  4. Drink a lot of water to get rid of all the toxins and prevent dehydration.
  5. Eat 5-6 smaller meals. This way you will have all the nutrients you need to build muscles.

Autor: Jim Stone

Are you sure you know everything there is to know about bodybuilding? I bet there are some dirty little secrets about BUILDING HUGE BICEPS FAST that you have never heard of. Click Here to find out!

Added: July 8, 2009

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Calcium Magnesium the Natural Sleep Aid, and How to Receive the Full Benefit of Your Vitamin Regimen

The hustle and bustle of modern life has increasingly made winding down at night more difficult. As a result more people are turning to sleeping pills. In fact the use of sleeping pills has risen by 50% among Americans over 45 years of age in recent years. The increase in the use of sleeping pills has given rise to an increase in addictions to sleeping pills. The irony is that many over 45 are already taking a natural supplement that can replace sleeping pills if it is used correctly. Many are already taking Calcium Magnesium to help strengthen their bones. What you may not know is that Calcium is also a natural sedative.

By simply changing the way that you take your Calcium Magnesium you can not only benefit from its sedative properties but you can increase the effectiveness of its bone strengthening properties. Many do not realize that when you take Calcium with other vitamins the effectiveness of both the calcium and the other vitamins can be decreased by as much as 50%. By taking your Calcium Magnesium at least one hour before and after other the other vitamins that you take you are increasing the benefits of the calcium on your bones. At the same time you are increasing the benefits of other vitamins that you are taking by as much as 50%.

All you need to do to receive the full benefits of your Calcium supplement is to change the time of day that you take your it. Most people take there vitamins at meal time as a means to regiment their vitamin schedule. Since you are looking to separate the taking of your calcium by one hour before and after other vitamins you should begin to take your calcium supplement at bed time. This will allow you to continue to schedule your Calcium and whether you are taking sleeping pills now or not by taking your calcium about one hour before bed time you will enhance the quality of sleep that you are getting each night.

Why spend good money on vitamins if you are going to destroy half of the benefit that you are taking those vitamins. For maximum benefit of your entire vitamin intake get into the habit of taking your calcium at night. You will enjoy greater health because of the effectiveness of all of your vitamins, and because you will receive greater benefit from a better nights sleep.

Autor: Randal A. Pope

Randal A. Pope is the founder of Natural Healing Herb, a distributor of quality herbal supplements for you and your family. You can find information about what herbs to use for your health. We are partnered with Nature's Sunshine , which has been manufacturing quality herbs for your health for more than 30 years. Find us at

Added: July 7, 2009

Monday, July 6, 2009

Vitamins For Healthy Skin Using Only Natural Skin Care Ingredients

Now I know it sounds a little crazy but it is possible, along with a decent diet to get your vitamins for healthy skin from high quality natural skin care. It's just a matter of knowing what ingredients to look for.

Most skin care today is full of chemicals that will damage your skin, stripping away the natural oils and potentially leading to health problems further down the line. Parabens and mineral oil are the worst offenders.

The best ones contain many vitamins for healthy skin and boost you overall health too. Phytessence wakame from Japanese sea kelp is brimming with B vitamins minerals and more calcium than milk! This helps to bring back any lost elasticity and firmness while healing and nourishing deep down.

Natural oils like Grapeseed, Avocado and Macadamia will provide many of the vitamins and nutrients we need including vitamins C and E. It is important to realize that many beauty lines contain synthetic ingredients which can be harmful with prolonged use.

Other great ingredients for healthy skin from around the world include Cynergy TK from the wool of New Zealand sheep, Babassu wax from the Amazon rainforest and active Manuka honey also from New Zealand.

The synergistic combination of these ingredients increases their effectiveness in soothing and softening your skin, removing any wrinkles and lines.

This is how 21st century skin care should be: natural ingredients free from harmful chemicals that are full of vitamins for healthy skin and improving your overall health as well.

Visit my site today to learn more about these amazing natural substances and why I choose to use them daily.

Autor: Rachel Hammond

Discover vitamins for healthy skin in the best skin care today.

Rachel Hammond is a dedicated researcher and user of high quality natural skin care. Discover the very latest, natural and effective anti-aging skin care products Rachel recommends after extensive research.

Added: July 6, 2009

Sunday, July 5, 2009

How to Find the Best Water Purification Device to Protect Your Family's Health

Let's face it, with so many products to choose from, it's no easy task finding the most effective water purification device. However, once you know what to look for the task becomes a much simpler one as there are only a few that can cope with the toxic chemicals in our supplies today.

Reverse osmosis systems should be avoided as they strip out essential trace minerals like calcium and potassium that we require for good health. In addition these water purification devices still allow many of today's synthetic chemicals to pass through, like pesticides and pharmaceuticals.

You may currently be using a kitchen jug or carafe type which is better than nothing but are the most ineffective and expensive type of purification system! This is due to the small filter size and expensive cartridge replacement cost.

With over 2000 toxic chemicals in our supplies and with many municipals introducing chloramine as a disinfectant, it is essential to have a water purification device that can get rid of all potential threats.

Chloramine is a mixture of ammonia and chlorine and is the toxin of choice today as it disinfects better as it stays in the system for longer. The problem is that chloramine leeches lead from the pipes and fitting, resulting in higher levels of this deadly toxin in your water supply.

The only systems to remove all of these toxins by an incredible 99.9% are activated carbon block ones. To get this removal rate they need to employ a multi-stage process, ion exchange and sub micron filtering.

No other water purification device comes close.

A home water purification system will probably be one of the best health investments you could ever make, so it is essential to get it right to safeguard you and your family's health, not only for now, but for the future too.

Then you can have great tasting healthy water without any of the risks.

Visit my website today if you would like to learn more about the types of water purification devices that I personally recommend and use.

Autor: Raymond Hamilton

Discover the best water purification device today.

Ray Hamilton is a dedicated advocate and researcher of the incredible benefits of safe, clean healthy water. Discover which products Ray recommends after extensive research.

Added: July 5, 2009

Friday, July 3, 2009

Reverse Osmosis Reviews - Discover What You Really Need to Know

Most reverse osmosis reviews tend to gloss over the fact that the end result is demineralized water which is against the World Health Organisation's recommendations. Discover what else you need to know about these systems.

Any decent reverse osmosis water treatment comparison would highlight this fact as they strip out the essential trace minerals like calcium, magnesium and potassium which we need to stay healthy and absorb better from water than any other source.

The majority of reverse osmosis reviews tend to say that it is unimportant as we get these minerals from elsewhere but that is not true, and who wants to argue with the World Health Organisation!

In any case compared to the most effective systems on the market, carbon block filters, they still allow through many dangerous synthetic toxins like pesticides and prescription drugs because of their poorly set up filters. For a RO system to remove these you need another carbon filter as well.

When it comes to efficiency, again the reverse osmosis reviews tend to go quiet as they discard on average 3 gallons for every 1 they use, while multi-stage carbon filters waste nothing and require no electricity to run on or a large storage area.

So you can see when it come to a reverse osmosis water treatment comparison to a carbon block filter, there really is no comparison.

The very best carbon systems use an activated carbon filter with a multi-stage process and ion exchange to remove 99.9% of all the bad stuff, including the synthetic toxins, whilst leaving in those vital trace minerals.

With over 2000 toxic chemicals in our supplies, and the introduction of chloramine to disinfect them, one of the best health investments you could ever make is a quality home filtration system to protect your family and return your peace of mind.

If you want great tasting healthy water that's 100% safe to drink, avoid the reverse osmosis reviews and look instead for the carbon block filters.

Visit my website today if you would like to learn more about the types of water filtration systems that I personally recommend and use.

Autor: Raymond Hamilton

Discover the best home water purifier today.

Ray Hamilton is a dedicated advocate and researcher of the incredible benefits of safe, clean healthy water. Discover which products Ray recommends after extensive research.

Added: July 3, 2009

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Reverse Osmosis Water Units and Why You Should Avoid Them If You Want to Stay Healthy

Although once a very popular system, reverse osmosis water units cannot compete with the latest cutting-edge technology, and could also leave you at risk of becoming mineral deficient.

The World Health Organisation states that we should all drink water with the minerals left in, something that reverse osmosis systems don't do as they strip out these vital minerals like calcium and potassium which we need to stay healthy.

Generally the people selling reverse osmosis water units tell you that we can get these minerals from elsewhere but the fact is we don't as our bodies will absorb them better from water than anything else.

If we don't receive enough calcium for example, our bodies will pull it from our teeth and bones by way of compensation.

In addition I find it unacceptable that they waste 3 gallons for every 1 they use, require electricity to run on and a large storage space to get enough pressure. However, that's not the worst of it!

Due to the fact that many synthetic chemicals in our drinking supplies are smaller molecularly than water, like pesticides and prescription drugs, they can pass through the reverse osmosis systemes filter, leaving you at risk.

I apologize if I seem so negative but there really is no place for these reverse osmosis water units with their old type of filtration that was originally designed for the paper and print industries, not the domestic user like you and I.

Now technology has moved on and we have the only type the US EPA recommends, the activated carbon block filter. When combined with a multi-stage process, ion exchange and sub micron filtering, you have an unbeatable combination.

These have a removal rate of 99.9% for all contaminants, synthetic or not, waste no water, require no electricity or storage space and still cost less than a third of the average reverse osmosis water units.

If you truly desire pure, safe healthy water for you and your family, then a multi-stage carbon filter will achieve this for you.

Visit my website today if you would like to learn more about which systems I recommend to use and which to avoid.

Autor: Raymond Hamilton

Discover the best home water purifier today.

Ray Hamilton is a dedicated advocate and researcher of the incredible benefits of safe, clean healthy water. Discover which products Ray recommends after extensive research.

Added: July 1, 2009


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