Calcium is a major mineral essential for healthy bones and teeth. There are several minerals known to be essential to the human body and which must be obtained from food. The major minerals (calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium, chloride and potassium) are needed in the greatest quantities or are present in large amounts in the body. The three main functions of minerals are as constituents of the skeleton, as soluble salts which help control the composition of the body fluids, and as essential adjuncts to the action of many enzymes and other proteins.

Monday, July 28, 2008

The Importance Of Calcium - Magnesium - And Kh In Aquariums

Many aquarium look at the need for calcium, electrolytes, magnesium and the effect of a ordnungsgemaen KH (carbonate hardness) in their Sawasser aquarium. KH is basically the buffer capacity of your aquarium, a Kh of 80 ppm helps prevent sudden drop in pH (You can convert dH [German hardness] ppm by multiplying your dH 17.9). This is particularly important with livebearers, goldfish, African cichlids, brackish and many other Sawasserfische. The production of nitrates (nitric acid) is slowly reduce your pH, but a ordnungsgemae KH is a more stable ph. This is important to note, if your KH is low and your ph drop was a major water change (do not get me wrong, water changes are very important) can cause stress on your fish, or even kill them.

Another examination of KH is that you generally safe add the buffer (Sa both water and salt) in this sense KH without sudden changes in the chemistry (unless your KH is already below 80 ppm), as opposed to a direct pH or GH. For this reason, you do not always have to check your KH before adding buffer as Wonder shells.

Baking soda (sodium carbonate Bi-HCO3-), is often used for KH, sodium bi-carbonate buffer to 8.0 to 8.2. They are very good that the buffering in pH. Only a little carbonate will absorb free H + ions, and this causes alkalinity (which is the lack of H + ions). To stop the carbonate ions from consuming too much H + to hold and a pH value of 7.0 we need to check the amount of Baking Soda, because it is always on the lookout for H + ions to consume. This is the reason why I prefer using calcium-based products, Wonder shells will be my first choice aragonite my second.

If You have a very unstable KH-level (drops fast), look into causes such as a large amount of organic material. The more bio-break down (de-nitrification), the more acids produced. Some filters, if not cleaned regularly can lead to this, even canisters, UGF, and Wet/Dry.


General hardness (GH) refers to the concentration resolved primarily of magnesium and calcium ions. Both calcium and magnesium are important for a ordnungsgemae osmotic internal processes in fish (and invertebrates). Other ions can contribute to water hardness, but are usually insignificant and difficult to measure. If fish are preferred, said `` weichen''oder `` Festplatte''Wasser, GH is not the kH this is referred to. GH will not directly affect pH, although "hard" water is usually alkaline due to some interaction of GH and kH.


Calcium carbonate in your aquarium maintain a more stable KH, while magnesium is another important element that works with Calcium. A proper amount of calcium and magnesium in your aquarium affect the health of the fish positive. In addition to help build a stable KH, magnesium and calcium were to increase resistance to diseases degenerate by lowering the acidity in the body. This will contribute to the prevention I, mushrooms, education and "wear" in your fish. Calcium also helps in healing and stress, and without calcium levels ordnungsgemae healing can be difficult or impossible. The addition of antibiotics (such as tetracycline) are lower calcium absorption.
� Another indication
to calcium, calcium is very important that proper health discus, nor calcium may have a negative effect on the pH value of a discus aquarium, which is generally held to a pH below 6.5. I have successfully used calcium (Wonder shells or calcium Polygluconate) in the discus aquariums with a mix of RO (reverse osmosis) water and tap water (dilution will depend on your tap water and water tank parameters). I then add that the electrolytes RO water and peat to the filters. I have this method successfully with discus and added calcium without the required pH climb.

Other need for calcium:

� Calcium is an important component in blood clotting and also helps in the wound healing.

� Calcium helps to control Nerve transmission, and release of neurotransmitters.

� Calcium is an essential component in the manufacture of enzymes and hormones that regulate digestion, energy, fat and calcium metabolism.

� helps to transport ions (electrically charged particles) throughout the membrane.

� Calcium is essential for muscle contraction.

� Calcium helps to maintain all cells and connective tissue in the body.

Other demand for magnesium:

� Normal calcium balance in organs

� Healthy muscles

� Healthy nervous transduction

� Healthy balance calcium in the blood vessels


Electrolytes molecular substances are free with the ions behave as an electrically conductive agent. In fish (or other living creatures) are the primary electrolytes sodium ions (Na +), calcium (Ca + +), potassium (K +), magnesium (Mg + +), chloride (Cl-), phosphate (PO4 --- ), And hydrogen carbonate (HCO3-).

fish and other aquatic life forms require both a subtle and complex electrolyte balance between the intracellular (within the cell) and extra cellular (outside the cell membranes, such as plasma) environment. In particular, the maintenance of accurate osmotic gradient (or differences) of electrolytes is important. These gradients influence and regulate the water balance of the fish, blood pH, and the resistance to disease and are important for a ordnungsgemae nerve and muscle function.

A a product called "Wonder Shell" help with your calcium, Magnesium, and KH your aquarium. Wonder Shells also come in a version for drugs control of aquarium I and fungi. Here are a few of their attributes:

* Helps keep aquarium clear

* Maintain stable ph

* Adds necessary minerals (electrolytes)

* * Removes chlorine

Ideal for goldfish, livebearers, cichlids, and more

* Contains calcium carbonate, sodium thiosulfate, major, minor, and trace elements like magnesium sulphate. Magnesium and calcium proved to help fish (and people) during stress and to prevent diseases by acid deposits in the extended body.

For my full article:

CALCIUM, KH, AND MAGNESIUM IN AQUARIUMS; How to maintain a Proper KH, why calcium and electrolytes are important.


By Carl Strohmeyer

Calcium, magnesium, and Kh in aquariums blog

American Aquarium Products- Wonder Shells

Article Source:

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Calcium - Benefits and Deficiency

Calcium is an essential dietary mineral for healthy bones and teeth strong. A constant blood calcium level is essential for the maintenance of normal heart beat, and for the normal functioning of nerves and muscles.

benefits of calcium -

- calcium ion concentration is an essential prerequisite for a number of important physiological Functions, including muscle contraction, nerve stimulation, hormone release, cell membrane permeability, ordnungsgemae enzyme function.

calcium is necessary to regulate the activities of a number of proteins and enzymes. The binding of calcium ions is responsible for the activation of vitamin K-dependent "aspects of clotting blood clotting process.

calcium, particularly calcium from dairy products help the body adjust fat.

calcium helps slow bone loss in postmenopausal women, skill the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome, and with a decreased risk of colorectal cancer.

-The body needs calcium for strong teeth and healthy bones. The bones are used as storage place for the body's calcium. They continuously calcium release into the bloodstream, and then hold them instead of the body requirement for calcium. When calcium intake is low, there is poor absorption and there is a high probability of bone breakdown, because the body uses the stored calcium to normal biological functions.

calcium is also necessary for muscle contraction and maintenance of the cell membranes.

-- Help calcium alleviate mood swings, food cravings, pain, flatulence and in connection with premenstrual syndrome.

What is the recommended daily requirement of calcium?

Optimal calcium intake depends upon a person, age, gender, and ethnicity.

The U.S. Recommended Dietary Allowance for calcium is 1000 milligrams per day - for adults (with the exception of pregnant or lactating women) and children aged 4 years.
� It is
around 1200 milligrams for people older than 50 years old.

The intake of calcium vegan tends to be slightly below the recommended amounts optimal but the body does adapt to lower supply. As vegetarians have a slightly lower protein intake and exclude meat from their diet, promotes their body to retain calcium, so their diet need is relatively lower.

calcium sources -

Dairy products (milk, yoghurt , Cottage cheese, cheese) are the main sources of calcium. People with lactose intolerance (people can not fully digest the milk sugar lactose), and those who are vegans tend to prevent or eliminate dairy products from their diet. We all know that it is important for vegetarians to meet calcium needs with alternative sources of calcium.

Good calcium sources are vegan tofu (if calcium sulfate), green leafy vegetables, dried figs, broccoli, seeds and nuts. Some soy, milk, instant breakfast cereals are fortified with calcium. Drinking water can be as much as 200mg calcium daily, as hard water contains a rich source of calcium.

Although most grains are not high in calcium, they do contribute to the calcium diet, because they regularly consumed and frequently.

What affects calcium absorption and excretion from the body?

Only 20-30% of calcium in the average diet is absorbed into the body, the rest is excreted.

A high-protein diet, particularly because of animal food, causes loss of calcium in the body. The higher sulphur-calcium ratio of meat excretion.

Calcium increased calcium absorption may also be affected by the amount of calcium in the body, in the amount of vitamin D presence (helps improve calcium absorption), age, pregnancy (intestinal calcium absorption increased during pregnancy), fibre content of food, etc. The amount of calcium consumed at once as a meal is inversely related to the absorption rate.

Calcium excretion refers to the amount of calcium from the body through urine, sweat and feces. Calcium excretion is affected by factors such as level of sodium, protein, caffeine and potassium in the diet.

calcium is lost in some foods, cooking, even under the best conditions. Maintaining Calcium:

- foods are best cooked in a minimal amount of water.

Cook food for the shortest possible time.

What does calcium deficiency?

Osteoporosis: main cause of fractures in older people, especially women. Prevention includes an adequate intake of calcium throughout life, but especially in childhood and young adulthood, and to reduce the trigger factors such as smoking, heavy drinking and lack of physical exercise. Diets high in protein and salt and the calcium loss from the body. Women after menopause are more vulnerable because they produce less estrogen, which protects the skeleton in younger women.

rickets, a disorder of childhood with softening and weakening of the bones. It is caused by lack of vitamin D, calcium or phosphate. A lack of vitamin D leads to undue regulation of calcium and phosphate. The symptoms of rickets in children include delayed sitting, crawling, walking and the development of bowlegs.


Read more on calcium, calcium rich food and benefits of calcium. Also Visit for Information on Vitamins, Minerals, Amino Acids.

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Sources of Dairy Calcium - Learn About the Most Healthful Sources of Dairy Calcium

Milk is by far the most healthy and useful source of calcium, not only, but many other minerals as well. Other sources of calcium include milk, yoghurt, cream, cheese and ice. These sources sufficient amounts of calcium - including the ones.

Consuming processed milk and other dairy products on a regelmaigen base is important for the development of strong bones and teeth. Dairy sources of calcium also contribute to overcoming calcium deficiency in the body and the immune system stronger and the situation in the fight against degenerative diseases.

Our body needs calcium to ordnungsgemae blood clotting, proper digestion of food and maximum intake of other nutrients . Food sources are the most effective sources of calcium, especially milk and other dairy products. However, calcium or tablet can also be consumed on a daily basis to meet the daily calcium needs.

Sources of dairy calcium also frozen yogurt, skim milk, cheese, cottage cheese and others. All these sources up to 400 mg or more of calcium in 1. Where do you want dessert with milk as an ingredient or salads with whipped cream. All these are healthy meals and should be added to our daily diet.

Calcium derived from milk is easily absorbed by the bloodstream. This is because pure milk also contains some enzymes and other nutrients that help with the absorption of calcium and offer their own health benefits in the same time. This is the reason why doctors advise drinking at least 1 cup of milk daily. Growing children and young people should consume at least 2 cups of milk per day or alternatively, add a dairy product such as yogurt or ice on their diet.

Nowadays, tooth pastes and calcium supplements are made, the calcium from dairy sources. We can not be sure about the effectiveness of these products, but they give a sense of satisfaction and joy, regularly used. Calcium supplements, with coral calcium are gaining popularity in these days, because the ability of coral calcium for treating many diseases such as depression, PMS, high cholesterol, obesity and kidney stones.

Sources of dairy calcium can lead to production of calcium -- But people who are allergic to milk are not able to offer these products. The best way is to use a good calcium salt as calcium carbonate or calcium citrate to obtain adequate amounts of calcium of regular tablets.


For optimal bone and joint health, we have been using a special natural calcium formula and for good reason, this formula is known as Bone Protect. We have personally been using this formula for over 3 years with excellent health results.

You can learn more about our product of choice and why we use this product above all other calcium formulas at optimal bone health

John Gibb is the manager of a series health websites. His latest addition discusses the calcium formula himself and the editors consume. For more information on calcium, coral calcium, and bone health as a whole, be sure to check out

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Wednesday, July 23, 2008

What to Know About Calcium Channel Blockers

Calcium is very important for the human body, particularly women, have birth. It is responsible for the production of bone and teeth strong. Nevertheless, a bone with a high calcium content, the heavy burden that in view of work done by a person.

However, calcium can also be harmful to human when it absorbed by institutions not needing it. It can lead to paralysis, other health complications or even death. This can happen when calcium is in the heart of the muscles. Calcium, the muscle of the heart to contract and can narrow the arteries, which may later be able to cause heart attack or stroke.

The Pharmaceutical Society has developed a drug that can block the entry of calcium in the heart and its components. The drug is commonly known as calcium channel blockers. There are various calcium channel blockers, and some of them are dihydropyridine, phenylalkylamine and benzothiazepine.

The following questions may be asked to know completely calcium channel blockers:

What are calcium channel blockers?

They formulated drugs block calcium entry into the heart and its components. It prevents calcium penetrate the hearts, because calcium can lead to complications in the heart, which may lead to heart attack and other health problems. Calcium-channel blockers can in angina (pain, with which a person because of the low oxygen uptake in the heart of blood borne) into the heart. It can lower angina by dilating the arteries and reduce the pressure in the arteries so that more oxygen uptake. It may also by lowering the pressure in the heart, so that the latter causes blood to pump it easy to require less oxygen.

What are the uses of calcium channel blockers?

Primarily, calcium-channel blockers are used to prevent calcium to the heart. It is specifically designed to treat angina, high blood pressure and abnormal heart rhythms. Calcium-channel blockers are also used by cardiologists, as beta-blocker drugs for heart attack patients.

What are the side effects of calcium antagonists?

Most medicines have side effects and can lead to negative reactions in the human body. A person with calcium-channel blockers can cause constipation, headache, edema, or swelling of the legs, nausea, dizziness and drowsiness. A person can also lower blood pressure due to the high concentration of medicine to reduce high blood pressure pressure.

Those are the basic things to know about calcium channel blockers. Do not be afraid of the side effects of the drug, because it is still tolerable. The cure is expected side effects are neglected.


This content is provided by Low Jeremy and may be used only in its entirety with all links included. For more info on Calcium, please visit

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Saturday, July 19, 2008

Source of Calcium Citrate - What is the Most Healthful Source of Calcium Citrate

Calcium citrate is a compound employed in the production of calcium tablets effective. It is easily absorbed by the blood stream, and therefore can be consumed before meals. But unlike calcium carbonate, calcium citrate not offer a variety of elemental calcium, is useful for blood.

Calcium carbonate provides up to 40% of elemental calcium. This means that if a tablet contains 1000 mg calcium carbonate, it provides 400 mg of elemental calcium, through the blood stream. Before you can be a source of calcium citrate, see the contents and find out how much calcium is from a single source tablet.

A 1000 mg of calcium citrate provides up to 300 to 350 mg calcium. It is recommended to consume calcium citrate together with a calcium-rich diet and plenty of liquid. Calcium absorption is strongly influenced by the food we eat. Healthy food assistance for the absorption of calcium along with vitamin D and phosphorus, whereas sugar, tea, coffee, tobacco, beverages with carbon dioxide and alcohol interfere with calcium absorption.

Some people are allergic to a source of calcium citrate. They are unable to digest, and as a result of the calcium consumed by calcium citrate supplements extinguished by urine. These people are also at high risk for kidney stones, because calcium deposits are responsible for this condition. If any kind of infection occurs after the consumption of calcium tablets, immediately stop taking them and a doctor.

Calcium carbonate is the most common connection in the calcium because it is abundant natural resources, and it is therefore inexpensive. A variant known as calcium carbonate coral calcium is also effective in the calcium tablets and liquid. Both salts are easily absorbed in the presence of stomach acid, which is why doctors recommend Coral calcium supplements to the right meals.

Calcium carbonate reduced stomach acid and is ideal for people who find it difficult to digest milk, other dairy products and calcium-rich food sources. Some side effects are still possible, such as indigestion, constipation, diarrhea, headache and infections. In any case, you should not consume more than 2500 mg calcium per day.

Postmenopausal women should consume up to 1500 mg of calcium from both food sources and calcium supplements. To prevent defects birth certificate and complicated pregnancies, pregnant women should eat a calcium-rich diets and food supplements consumed after consultation with a doctor to meet their daily calcium requirements.


For optimal bone and joint health, we have been using a special natural calcium formula and for good reason, this formula is known as Bone Protect. We have personally been using this formula for over 3 years with excellent health results.

You can learn more about our product of choice and why we use this product above all other calcium formulas at optimal bone health

John Gibb is the manager of a series health websites. His latest addition discusses the calcium formula himself and the editors consume. For more information on calcium, coral calcium, and bone health as a whole, be sure to check out

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Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Calcium Absorption and Diet Soda - Does Diet Soda Affect Calcium Absorption?

Carbonated non-alcoholic beverages, including diet soda decrease calcium absorption through the blood stream, and therefore one can say that calcium absorption and diet soda are closely related to each other, but in the negative sense.

Diet soda and other drinks which contain phosphoric acid Conflict with calcium absorption and as a result most of the calcium we get from food goes through urine. People are used to drink soda on a regelmaigen basis are a high risk of fractures and weakening of the bones.

Phosphorus is an important component of bone other than calcium. It is also necessary for a ordnungsgemae intake of calcium from the stomach into the blood, but abnormally high levels of phosphorus in the blood are dangerous to health. We all should try to obtain maximum amounts of all minerals from a balanced, healthy relationship diet.

The absorption of calcium diet soda and may be manufactured through the consumer no more than 1 can of soda every day. And if you are not addicted to diet soda, then try to drink water, milk, orange juice, other fruit juices and soy beverages diet soda. In addition to these, do not forget to add a rich source of calcium your diet such as fish, seafood, bone soup cooked, blackstrap molasses and kale.

It is also recommended by doctors to consume calcium and vitamin D on a daily Basis. These grants are particularly useful for women over the age of 40, are a high risk of developing osteoporosis and other degenerative diseases. Even pregnant women are in high demand in calcium and dietary calcium and multi-vitamin tablets.

Try to find the highest quality supplements available outside. Read the contents of a supplement product before starting their run. You can be an infection or allergies in response to a particular ingredient. Although these supplements are completely pure substances, people with weak health are often internal experience constipation, diarrhea, stomach cramps and some infections.

Calcium absorption depends on a protein-rich diet food from animal sources. Avoid caffeine, too much sugar and salt and artificially flavored foods as much as you can. If you can, try to drink at least 1 cup of pure milk daily. Milk contains many enzymes and nutrients in addition to calcium help with the maximum absorption of calcium and makes our bones and teeth strong.


For optimal bone and joint health, we have been using a special natural calcium formula and for good reason, this formula is known as Bone Protect. We have personally been using this formula for over 3 years with excellent health results.

You can learn more about our product of choice and why we use this product above all other calcium formulas at optimal bone health

John Gibb is the manager of a series health websites. His latest addition discusses the calcium formula himself and the editors consume. For more information on calcium, coral calcium, and bone health as a whole, be sure to check out

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Friday, July 11, 2008

Calcium And Weight Loss - How Are Calcium And Weight Loss Related To Each Other?

Calcium is one of the most important nutrients for a ordnungsgemae growth and development of the various systems of the body. It is essential for growing children to develop strong bones and teeth. In addition to these benefits, calcium can also be used in conjunction with weight loss. Let's find out the relationship between calcium and weight loss in adults.

A ordnungsgemae and balanced diet contains sufficient quantities of proteins, carbohydrates and fats. A person eats, whole meals at least three times a day is healthy, without ebermaigen fat, because vitamins and minerals found in the food-stuff help with the reception and distribution of large protein and fat molecules. Calcium is one of those substances, which act as a catalyst in the process of digestion.

It was found that people who drink milk on a daily basis and have lots of calcium-rich foods in their diet have less body fat than those who do not eat a healthy diet every day . From this we can safely say that calcium and weight loss are directly linked with each other.

Animal protein is sometimes as dangerous for already overweight people. That is why doctors recommend that we should eat more vegetables than animal sources of calcium or dairy sources. One of the best sources of calcium Coral Calcium is formed by fossilized coral reefs above sea level. It is essentially a salt of calcium carbonate or limestone, which was found to be very beneficial in terms of overall health and well being.

Coral calcium not only helps to overcome the lack of calcium in the body, but also prevents many diseases. One of the most prominent benefits of coral calcium is associated with weight loss. Health specialists around the world link coral calcium and weight loss due to the ability of calcium to reduce not only blood pressure but also high cholesterol levels in individuals.

One what you must not forget is the introduction of certain vitamins and minerals to your diet contribute to calcium absorption. Many people eat calcium-rich foods and additional food supplements remains deficient of calcium. This is because the calcium they consume is lost in their urine. For this reason you should consume calcium-rich supplements together with a balanced diet that contain important vitamins and minerals calcium help you easily absorbed in the bloodstream.


For optimal bone health, we have been using a special natural calcium formula and for good reason, this formula is known as Bone Protect. We have personally been using this formula for over 3 years with excellent health results.

You can learn more about our product of choice and why we use this product above all other calcium formulas at optimal bone health

John Gibb is the manager of a series health websites. His latest addition discusses the calcium formula himself and the editors consume. For more information on calcium, coral calcium, and bone health as a whole, be sure to check out

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Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Why We Do Not Sell Coral Calcium

Since Coral Calcium is one of the hottest products on the market for the treatment of arthritis you would think that a web site, the so-called arthritis shop would sell. So why do not we sell Coral Calcium. It is simple, we care too much for our customers. We do not sell products just because we can earn money from them. We offer Coral Calcium for one fifth of what it sold on the info-mercials. But the simple truth is that there is a scam.

Coral Calcium is not the best Calcium.

Coral Calcium is calcium carbonate, the most common form of calcium on the market. It is no different than any other calcium carbonate. It is no longer biologically available. To say so is a lie. It does not work differently, they do not fit your body's pH and to say otherwise, it is only a lie.

Coral calcium can not cure or prevent more than 200 types of diseases, including arthritis.

This is a flat lie. There has never been a study to support this claim was not for this type of calcium or any Art Yes, there is still much research to support that calcium is good for you and all probably should have a calcium supplement. But it is not always the research shows that they can heal disease.

Coral calcium will not prevent you young

You hear the sellers say that the people in Okinawa live to be older, in fact say that it has the highest percentage to people all over the world 100 live there. But they do say is that the people in Okinawa do not eat coral and that researchers attribute is a long life primarily on their fruit and vegetable diet. There were hundreds of research studies on calcium and not one has ever suggested that you live or look longer.

Coral calcium can be a bad thing for you.

It is true that coral calcium contains trace elements that other forms of calcium not bear . Some of these may be good for you. But what the seller does not say is that under these trace elements are cadium, aluminium, mercury, thallium, uranium, lead and other toxic metals. It is difficult for your body to cleanse itself of these types of metals and even in small quantities and tend to accumulate over time can lead to health problems. Perhaps for this reason, no live sea creature eats coral.

What Coral Calcium is good?

Coral calcium is good for one thing, people feed bags. That is the reason why the title for the article on Coral Calcium in the Berkeley Wellness Letter To sell a 5 � surcharge for $ 1 "

How a good calcium product

This is not to say anything negative about calcium. Calcium is something that almost all doctors, nutritionist and natural health practitioners agree. We should all have a calcium supplement. It is good for our bones and our hearts. Here are a few things to consider.

  1. calcium carbonate and calcium citrate are the two graten Bio available forms of calcium. This means that your body is able to absorb and use

  2. you do not pay too much. Do not buy into hype. Calcium is calcium. Just because they cost more, does not mean it is better.

  3. Some calcium's can be high in lead and other metals, especially from coral and bone meal. Check to see whether it is certified as pure.

  4. Vitamin D helps the body process calcium. This can come from your calcium supplement or from any other source.


About The Author

I began researching and writing about natural health after by first battle with cancer 10 years ago.

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Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Uses for Coral Calcium

The main uses for Coral Calcium are in addition to their own food absorbed with a form of calcium, strengthen the body to fight effectively against sickness and disease, and this is an energy levels. Many of us are walking around calcium exhausted, and we can not even aware of it until our bodies are beginning to show signs of a shortage. Deficiencies are numerous voids, white spots on the nails and teeth, acne, arthritis, cancer, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, cramps, fatigue, carpal tunnel Syndrome.

Coral calcium, whether in capsule, pill, powder or liquid form, the body with absorbable calcium, which will help fend off many of these health problems. The uses for Coral Calcium are many, but as a possible preventive measure against the disease and illness certainly tops the list. Calcium strengthens the immune system, potentially resulting in the body to fight infections, viruses, bacteria, parasites and cancer readily.

The many more uses of Coral Calcium

Another one of the uses of Coral Calcium is the reverse of the signs and symptoms of osteoporosis. It is important for people to realize that refined sugar and foods high in oxalic acid, such as spinach, cranberries, rhubarb can drain calcium from the body. In addition, participate in regelmaigem strength training should be a higher demand for calcium supplementation, there are people who smoke or drink alcoholic beverages.

Coral calcium contains the perfect ratio of magnesium to calcium, 2:1, for maximum absorption in the bloodstream. There are many benefits of coral calcium, which is the reason why these natural supplements are in such high demand for health-conscious consumers today.


Robert owns and operates His company was one of the first to offer coral calcium online. For more information visit his website.

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Sunday, July 6, 2008

Premenstrual Syndrome: Plagued with Premenstrual Syndrome? Try Calcium!

At last, there's hope for millions of women suffer from premenstrual syndrome. researchers have discovered that an intake of calcium regelmaige the premenstrual syndrome can be as much as 60 percent.

It is a problem, that doctors perplexed and concerned women. Symptoms that occur one week or two before a woman menstrual bleeding. While these symptoms usually disappear after the period starts, PMS or premenstrual syndrome often interferes with women's normal activities at home or work.

Despite ongoing studies, the cause of premenstrual syndrome are not yet clear. Of course, some women may be more sensitive than others to changing hormone levels during the menstrual cycle. While some believe that stress does not seem to cause Premenstrual syndrome, it could be worse. Studies have shown that premenstrual syndrome may have an impact on menstruating women of all ages and the premenstrual syndrome may have an impact on menstruating women of all ages and the premenstrual syndrome often both physical and emotional symptoms.

Well, the latest on premenstrual syndrome that front Diet that is rich in calcium appears to reduce the risk of developing premenstrual syndrome as much as 40 percent.

Most women experience mild premenstrual syndrome, but also for more than 20 percent, the symptoms can be severe. These symptoms define Premenstrual syndrome and can interfere with daily activities and relationships, according to a report published in the Archives of Internal Medicine .

calcium and vitamin D, which aid the absorption of calcium are of the view to reduce the occurrence and severity of premenstrual syndrome . To determine the effect of calcium in the diet Premenstrual Syndrome, data on women with and without Premenstrual Syndrome have been collected. The comparison showed that calcium intake had a profound impact on whether women developed Premenstrual syndrome. "We have found that women with the highest intake of vitamin D and calcium from food sources had a significantly lower risk that diagnosed Premenstrual Syndrome," Elizabeth Bertone-Johnson of the University of Massachusetts, showed said.

The grate result in Women who consumed about 1200 mgs of calcium and 500 IU vitamin D per day. "We've found that women who consumed four servings per day skin or low-fat milk, fortified orange juice and low-fat dairy foods, had an approximately 40 percent lower risk of premenstrual syndrome diagnosed as women who consume these foods only about once a week ' She said said.

Levels of calcium and vitamin D fluctuations throughout the menstrual cycle, and this might define women with and without Premenstrual syndrome, she added. The results should encourage them to eat more foods rich in calcium and vitamin D, she said. What's more, these nutrients were also linked to other health benefits, such as the ermaigten of osteoporosis and some cancers.

Must Read : sailing through the menopause with ease: Menopause symptoms, exercise, Nutrition and tips at http: //

calcium tips and benefits:

. When buying look for calcium-calcium content.

. Studies have shown that the inclusion of dairy products with the natural combination of calcium, magnesium and potassium, helps to prevent and control hypertension

. Calcium can help you maintain proper pH values and to reverse conditions.

sour. Calcium is diet products. Studies have shown that people with the highest total calcium intake weighed the least

Must Read : Case Study: How calcium helps Weight Loss in


About the Author

Jasdeep: for your complete and most comprehensive family guide on Health.

To learn how to combat Premenstrual Syndrome and a chance to go through other informative articles targetting various health issues at Buy Calcium and Vitamin-D Supplement at discounted price

If you wish to reproduce the above article you are welcome to do so, provided the article is reproduced in its entirety, including this resource box and LIVE link to our website.

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Friday, July 4, 2008

Understanding Coral Calcium

Calcium is an important mineral and is responsible for human life. However, the benefits of coral calcium can be confusing and it may be difficult in a context, how can we benefit from appropriate levels of calcium in the diet, whether from food or supplementary sources.

Calcium is the most abundant mineral in the human body And has several important functions. More than 99% of the entire body is stored calcium in the bones and teeth providing the necessary support to their structure. As a normal function of biology, the living cells of the new body absorb calcium to replace lost calcium or to build on existing structure as in the case of childhood growth or in healing.

Coral Calcium is a salt of fossilized coral reefs. The living coral reefs are threatened, and most of the major reefs are protected by law, because they can not be harvested without serious damage to the ecosystem. Coral Calcium is harvested by grinding up limestone soil deposits, which was once part of a coral calcium reef.

Coral itself consists primarily of calcium carbonate with small amounts of magnesium and other minerals track. Chemically, calcium carbonate from Coral sources is not unlike other sources of calcium, despite the claims otherwise by some companies. However, the addition of trace minerals, the lack of food, could explain why some claim benefits of coral calcium more refined calcium sources supplements.

While the calcium component of Coral Calcium is identical with another limestone deposit, fossilized coral reefs Can Trace minerals helpful for the human body. While it is unlikely that a well-fed individual would be deficient in each of these minerals, dietary data clearly show that while the average American diet, the abundant levels of calories, salt, fat and preservatives, otherwise it is low in nutrition. Therefore, many people may benefit from a basic level of supplementing the all important and necessary nutrients, including calcium.

There were many unfounded allegations in relation to coral calcium, perhaps the most controversial of these is the proposal that coral calcium cure of cancer by increasing the pH of the body. Scientific studies have been carried out that cancer cells can not survive in a sufficiently high pH values. However, while this can be the case when tested in a petri dish, the pH to kill cancer cells also kills healthy human cells.

Another problem with the "body alkalinization" concept is that the body pH value does not change, regardless of How much revenue is calcium carbonate. The human body can only work within a narrow pH range. It has been shown that if alkalinizing agents, the body excretes rapidly alkaline components in the urine. The attempt to raise the pH of bodies appears to be successful in raising the pH of the urine. The same is true when sour foods are that the urine is acidic.

Calcium itself is an important mineral for human life, and Coral Calcium is an effective source of which, although not the only one. In the study any supplement, noted that the surcharges are to improve nutrition. You are not to treat, cure or mitigate any disease. However, high quality additions are an excellent way to supplement but not replace the benefits of a good diet.


Dave Saunders is a nutrition consultant and national speaker. You can read more about health and wellness at and

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