Calcium is a major mineral essential for healthy bones and teeth. There are several minerals known to be essential to the human body and which must be obtained from food. The major minerals (calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium, chloride and potassium) are needed in the greatest quantities or are present in large amounts in the body. The three main functions of minerals are as constituents of the skeleton, as soluble salts which help control the composition of the body fluids, and as essential adjuncts to the action of many enzymes and other proteins.

Monday, June 30, 2008

Coral Calcium and the Effects on the Environment

Coral calcium and the impact on the environment For years, Coral Calcium websites were claiming that they are not to harm the environment if the harvest of its corals. A closer look at the harvesting processes that are used tell a different story on the impact of coral calcium on the environment. Now more than ever, the coral reefs of Okinawa Japan are vulnerable and need all the help we can provide.

Marine Coral Calcium Many companies sell marine Coral Calcium that they say, "only the dead coral rubble dust from around the reefs." Unfortunately for the environmental dredging of this process includes a 250 foot industrial dredging ship a large reduction pipe to the bottom of the ocean and vacuuming. This method involves not only the dead coral rubble, but destroys the reef ecosystem by generating a thick layer of silt smothers the coral reef killing the larvae grow, that future reefs in the surrounding areas.

The problem with exhaustion of dead coral rubble, is that you can not destroy part of an ecosystem, without harming the rest. For example, there are more animals and creatures that live in a dead tree as a live one. If all the dead trees have been removed from a forest, the forest would lose its vitality. The same applies to coral reefs: The dead coral rubble plays an important role in the health of the entire reef.

To combat the negative press about the environmental impact of Coral calcium, other marine animals coral calcium promoters out is another story. This new story claims that its Coral Calcium is harvested 4 km from the reefs and therefore does not harm the reefs. If it is true that their coral harvested miles away from the reef how can they have a pure product Coral Calcium? We are asked to believe that only bits of the coral is pure streams for 4 miles, where it is deposited without sand, shells, rocks and dirt. If this is true, why is the delicate ecology seabed dredged or unnecessarily destroyed by competing marine Coral Calcium providers?

Above Sea Coral Calcium The majority of coral calcium products are under-sea or sea coral calcium that can harm the environment with their questionable methods of harvest. But the news is not all bad, because there are a few above sea level Coral Calcium products available that are not to harm the environment. On-Sea Coral Calcium used Okinawa coral, was pressed to top geologically above sea level. The harvest is done by cleaning the top floor from the old coral heads and trucking them off to a grinding station with minimal environmental impact.

Coral reefs are considered an endangered species. The coral, which above sea level Coral Calcium is eco-products. Before Sea Coral Calcium protects living reefs only with the help of coral above the sea level deposits on the islands of Okinawa. The eco-safe coral grew up under water millions of years old and has still under layers of soil to mined for the above Sea Coral Calcium products. So, if you buy or use Coral Calcium, do your part and to protect the environment by using sea level coral calcium.


This article was written for True Blue Coral Calcium

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