Many aquarium look at the need for calcium, electrolytes, magnesium and the effect of a ordnungsgemaen KH (carbonate hardness) in their Sawasser aquarium. KH is basically the buffer capacity of your aquarium, a Kh of 80 ppm helps prevent sudden drop in pH (You can convert dH [German hardness] ppm by multiplying your dH 17.9). This is particularly important with livebearers, goldfish, African cichlids, brackish and many other Sawasserfische. The production of nitrates (nitric acid) is slowly reduce your pH, but a ordnungsgemae KH is a more stable ph. This is important to note, if your KH is low and your ph drop was a major water change (do not get me wrong, water changes are very important) can cause stress on your fish, or even kill them.
Another examination of KH is that you generally safe add the buffer (Sa both water and salt) in this sense KH without sudden changes in the chemistry (unless your KH is already below 80 ppm), as opposed to a direct pH or GH. For this reason, you do not always have to check your KH before adding buffer as Wonder shells.
Baking soda (sodium carbonate Bi-HCO3-), is often used for KH, sodium bi-carbonate buffer to 8.0 to 8.2. They are very good that the buffering in pH. Only a little carbonate will absorb free H + ions, and this causes alkalinity (which is the lack of H + ions). To stop the carbonate ions from consuming too much H + to hold and a pH value of 7.0 we need to check the amount of Baking Soda, because it is always on the lookout for H + ions to consume. This is the reason why I prefer using calcium-based products, Wonder shells will be my first choice aragonite my second.
If You have a very unstable KH-level (drops fast), look into causes such as a large amount of organic material. The more bio-break down (de-nitrification), the more acids produced. Some filters, if not cleaned regularly can lead to this, even canisters, UGF, and Wet/Dry.
General hardness (GH) refers to the concentration resolved primarily of magnesium and calcium ions. Both calcium and magnesium are important for a ordnungsgemae osmotic internal processes in fish (and invertebrates). Other ions can contribute to water hardness, but are usually insignificant and difficult to measure. If fish are preferred, said `` weichen''oder `` Festplatte''Wasser, GH is not the kH this is referred to. GH will not directly affect pH, although "hard" water is usually alkaline due to some interaction of GH and kH.
Calcium carbonate in your aquarium maintain a more stable KH, while magnesium is another important element that works with Calcium. A proper amount of calcium and magnesium in your aquarium affect the health of the fish positive. In addition to help build a stable KH, magnesium and calcium were to increase resistance to diseases degenerate by lowering the acidity in the body. This will contribute to the prevention I, mushrooms, education and "wear" in your fish. Calcium also helps in healing and stress, and without calcium levels ordnungsgemae healing can be difficult or impossible. The addition of antibiotics (such as tetracycline) are lower calcium absorption.
� Another indication
to calcium, calcium is very important that proper health discus, nor calcium may have a negative effect on the pH value of a discus aquarium, which is generally held to a pH below 6.5. I have successfully used calcium (Wonder shells or calcium Polygluconate) in the discus aquariums with a mix of RO (reverse osmosis) water and tap water (dilution will depend on your tap water and water tank parameters). I then add that the electrolytes RO water and peat to the filters. I have this method successfully with discus and added calcium without the required pH climb.
Other need for calcium:
� Calcium is an important component in blood clotting and also helps in the wound healing.
� Calcium helps to control Nerve transmission, and release of neurotransmitters.
� Calcium is an essential component in the manufacture of enzymes and hormones that regulate digestion, energy, fat and calcium metabolism.
� helps to transport ions (electrically charged particles) throughout the membrane.
� Calcium is essential for muscle contraction.
� Calcium helps to maintain all cells and connective tissue in the body.
Other demand for magnesium:
� Normal calcium balance in organs
� Healthy muscles
� Healthy nervous transduction
� Healthy balance calcium in the blood vessels
Electrolytes molecular substances are free with the ions behave as an electrically conductive agent. In fish (or other living creatures) are the primary electrolytes sodium ions (Na +), calcium (Ca + +), potassium (K +), magnesium (Mg + +), chloride (Cl-), phosphate (PO4 --- ), And hydrogen carbonate (HCO3-).
fish and other aquatic life forms require both a subtle and complex electrolyte balance between the intracellular (within the cell) and extra cellular (outside the cell membranes, such as plasma) environment. In particular, the maintenance of accurate osmotic gradient (or differences) of electrolytes is important. These gradients influence and regulate the water balance of the fish, blood pH, and the resistance to disease and are important for a ordnungsgemae nerve and muscle function.
A a product called "Wonder Shell" help with your calcium, Magnesium, and KH your aquarium. Wonder Shells also come in a version for drugs control of aquarium I and fungi. Here are a few of their attributes:
* Helps keep aquarium clear
* Maintain stable ph
* Adds necessary minerals (electrolytes)
* * Removes chlorine
Ideal for goldfish, livebearers, cichlids, and more
* Contains calcium carbonate, sodium thiosulfate, major, minor, and trace elements like magnesium sulphate. Magnesium and calcium proved to help fish (and people) during stress and to prevent diseases by acid deposits in the extended body.
For my full article:
CALCIUM, KH, AND MAGNESIUM IN AQUARIUMS; How to maintain a Proper KH, why calcium and electrolytes are important.
By Carl Strohmeyer
Calcium, magnesium, and Kh in aquariums blog
American Aquarium Products- Wonder Shells
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