Calcium is a major mineral essential for healthy bones and teeth. There are several minerals known to be essential to the human body and which must be obtained from food. The major minerals (calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium, chloride and potassium) are needed in the greatest quantities or are present in large amounts in the body. The three main functions of minerals are as constituents of the skeleton, as soluble salts which help control the composition of the body fluids, and as essential adjuncts to the action of many enzymes and other proteins.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Calcium And Weight Loss - How Are Calcium And Weight Loss Related To Each Other?

Calcium is one of the most important nutrients for a ordnungsgemae growth and development of the various systems of the body. It is essential for growing children to develop strong bones and teeth. In addition to these benefits, calcium can also be used in conjunction with weight loss. Let's find out the relationship between calcium and weight loss in adults.

A ordnungsgemae and balanced diet contains sufficient quantities of proteins, carbohydrates and fats. A person eats, whole meals at least three times a day is healthy, without ebermaigen fat, because vitamins and minerals found in the food-stuff help with the reception and distribution of large protein and fat molecules. Calcium is one of those substances, which act as a catalyst in the process of digestion.

It was found that people who drink milk on a daily basis and have lots of calcium-rich foods in their diet have less body fat than those who do not eat a healthy diet every day . From this we can safely say that calcium and weight loss are directly linked with each other.

Animal protein is sometimes as dangerous for already overweight people. That is why doctors recommend that we should eat more vegetables than animal sources of calcium or dairy sources. One of the best sources of calcium Coral Calcium is formed by fossilized coral reefs above sea level. It is essentially a salt of calcium carbonate or limestone, which was found to be very beneficial in terms of overall health and well being.

Coral calcium not only helps to overcome the lack of calcium in the body, but also prevents many diseases. One of the most prominent benefits of coral calcium is associated with weight loss. Health specialists around the world link coral calcium and weight loss due to the ability of calcium to reduce not only blood pressure but also high cholesterol levels in individuals.

One what you must not forget is the introduction of certain vitamins and minerals to your diet contribute to calcium absorption. Many people eat calcium-rich foods and additional food supplements remains deficient of calcium. This is because the calcium they consume is lost in their urine. For this reason you should consume calcium-rich supplements together with a balanced diet that contain important vitamins and minerals calcium help you easily absorbed in the bloodstream.


For optimal bone health, we have been using a special natural calcium formula and for good reason, this formula is known as Bone Protect. We have personally been using this formula for over 3 years with excellent health results.

You can learn more about our product of choice and why we use this product above all other calcium formulas at optimal bone health

John Gibb is the manager of a series health websites. His latest addition discusses the calcium formula himself and the editors consume. For more information on calcium, coral calcium, and bone health as a whole, be sure to check out

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