Calcium is a major mineral essential for healthy bones and teeth. There are several minerals known to be essential to the human body and which must be obtained from food. The major minerals (calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium, chloride and potassium) are needed in the greatest quantities or are present in large amounts in the body. The three main functions of minerals are as constituents of the skeleton, as soluble salts which help control the composition of the body fluids, and as essential adjuncts to the action of many enzymes and other proteins.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Calcium Can Fight PMS

Every woman must go through PMS. Whether it-s before menstruation, menopause, before or after menopause, there are simply too many situations where a woman can feel the difficulties with their time. To many, this normal stage in life is just as the loss of waste blood, and the unused ova. However, there is more to menstruation and the symptoms than what actually meets the eye. It is indeed a significant loss of nutrients, which badly affects the body. One of the most devastating loss is the loss of calcium, and some other nutrients associated with bone fracture and deterioration.

Calcium is a nutrient in most milk products such as milk, cheese and some meat products. This is responsible for strengthening the body's own bone. With a sufficient supply of calcium in the body, the bones of its natural strength and robustness. As such, it can not easily degenerate, for which calcium is crucial in supporting the skeletal system recover and regenerate, whenever they are needed to.

With all this said, many people begin to ask May, where PMS in the picture . At first glance it may seem awfully far away from menstruation. Nevertheless, a closer look will clear the connection between PMS and the loss of calcium in the body. Many May not know it but calcium is in a crucial body substance that the body loses during menstruation. What is it? There is no other than blood.

Blood in urine excreted in large quantities during menstruation. For in their levels prior to menopause, the amount of blood excreted far more than the amount that the normal woman excretes. In fact, the amount of blood in front of the isolated during menopause bleeding more than doubled in terms of their band. Secretion of blood waste also takes longer at this crucial point in time. Because of this, large quantities of unused calcium also exit the body. This is a small supply of nutrients for the body of the bones to feed on.

For this reason, women in their menopause can it be that difficult when it comes to the development of the skeleton. Simple sprains and fractures to the bones may take a while longer to heal than they usually did. Moreover, the bones to weaken in terms of durability. For most women, who have lost a lot of calcium through PMS and never draw attention to it, osteoporosis is determined by destiny. With osteoporosis, bone specific structures in the body begin to weaken and turn. As such, women, calcium deficiency during their PMS years have a tendency to hang secured, or generally a bad attitude. Some May also rheumatism and other complications caused by the lack of calcium in the body.

To prevent all these, proper nutrition and exercise are recommended. Women with low calcium supply needs for calcium-fortified foods and supplements. These include special dairy products such as high-calcium milk, cheese and butter. They must also ensure that these elements are enriched with calcium a sufficient amount of vitamin D and magnesium. It is aid the body when it comes to absorb all the calcium in the diet. These two are also lost, together with calcium, while the amount of pre-menopausal bleeding. Without this, a woman May continue to suffer bone problems even after achieving the average calcium levels.

Exercise is also crucial for women in their PMS. This makes bones more adept on the current situation of the body. Through movement, the bones are trained to work harder and consume small amounts of calcium. Thus, the decline in the level of calcium in the body is immediately tackled with.

That, like calcium and PMS are connected. Blankly putting it PMS leaves a vacuum calcium in the body by his uncontrollable release of blood. In return, the lack of calcium leads to graeren complications, which lead to harmful effects. As such, neither of the two should be ignored by a woman responsible. Both should always sharply observed in this crucial point in time.

With these reasons, facts and proposals stated that it is quite clear what every woman should do. It may take some effort, but it will certainly be a healthier and breezier menstrual cycle life.


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Unknown said...

PMS is most common condition of discomfort before and during menstruation affecting most women, causing a significant amount of loss of nutrients which badly affects the body. One of the most devastating losses is the loss of calcium, and some other nutrients related to bone breakage and deterioration. Read here to know more how calcium helps to elevate the problem


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