Calcium is a major mineral essential for healthy bones and teeth. There are several minerals known to be essential to the human body and which must be obtained from food. The major minerals (calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium, chloride and potassium) are needed in the greatest quantities or are present in large amounts in the body. The three main functions of minerals are as constituents of the skeleton, as soluble salts which help control the composition of the body fluids, and as essential adjuncts to the action of many enzymes and other proteins.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

What is Calcium Chloride Used For?

You may not know it by name, but calcium chloride can be found in refrigeration plants, on roads and in concrete. This exceedingly useful chemical is even used in the medical field for everything from promoting bone health to preventing a magnesium overdose. It is often an additive in calcium supplements, though the most popular supplement is calcium carbonate.

Medically, calcium chloride can be injected intravenously to treat low calcium (Hypocalcemia), Black Widow Spider bites, hives, magnesium intoxication, acute lead colic or cardiac arrest. When patients pass out during open heart surgery, a dose of this can wake them up. In some patients who are experiencing weak myocardial contractions, boosting calcium levels can succeed where epinephrine failed.

Naturally, the presence of it balances the presence of everything from potassium and magnesium to stomach acids. If a patient is experiencing an adverse reaction to Cardizem, a Channel Blocker drug like calcium chloride can intervene and prevent a heart attack. Biologists sometimes use this compound in genetics to increase cell membrane permeability to ensure DNA uptake.

Surprisingly, this medical compound and industrial product can also been found in food. Calcium chloride is sometimes used as a firming agent or drying agent and has been approved by both the European Union and the US FDA. It is estimated that people ingest roughly 160-345 mg/day, although direct consumption would result in stomach irritation and ulceration. You may notice this compound on packages of sports drinks, pickles, chocolate bars, vegetables, milk and beer.

Sometimes liquid calcium chloride is also used in fertilizers. Ward Chemical is the top manufacturer of organic fertilizers containing this compound. They say that this biodegradable additive neutralizes the pH balance of the soil, reduces crusting, assists plant growth, ensures water retention, reduces high alkaline/sodium/magnesium/saline content, and protects plants from disease. Working quickly and efficiently, agriculture is one of many uses for this great mineral compound.

Autor: Mike Selvon

Mike Selvon has some great informative articles. If you enjoyed this article, please visit his website for more on calcium chloride, and learn more insider tips on the best calcium supplement.

Added: June 3, 2009



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