Calcium absorbed in the small intestine and this process is dependent on vitamin D. To the rigid structure of the skeleton of calcium is crucial to 3lb on the body weight is calcium, 99 percent are placed on the teeth and bones. It is important to adolescent children to help grow bone and the elderly as the ability to absorb calcium affected with age. Along with magnesium, it is necessary for nerves and muscles to function properly. It also helps to maintain the correct acid-alkaline balance and blood. An adult needs a daily calcium intake of between 700 and 1000mg. This risk of osteoporosis may need as much as 1500mg per day. This protection is reinforced when, in conjunction with linoleic acid from evening primrose oil. Calcium and phosphorus work together in a ratio of two to one for healthy teeth and bones and calcium and magnesium work together for cardiovascular health. The two graten mineral deficiencies in a women's nutrition are iron.
Calcium and calcium supplements have shown to protect against pre-eclampsia is the high blood pressure in pregnancy. It is a good idea to increase calcium consumption during the last three months of pregnancy and the first months of lactation, to ensure that the baby get sufficient amount of calcium to help bone development and growth. If the baby does not have enough calcium from his mother, he is from the bone mothers, possibly leading to bone disease in future.
Signs of calcium deficiency is rickets, osteomalacia and osteoporosis.
Calcium such as sodium and potassium, both intracellular and extracellular cell environment. Calcium is also necessary because intercellular cement to the cells of the body. It also controls to allow liquid enzyme reactions take place. Calcium is important for the contraction of muscles. The brain sends nerve impulses that calcium release into the muscles, the muscles triggers reactions. Calcium also helps to control cholesterol.
Calcium assists in the secretion, Galle, liquid pancreas, stomach, colon, hormonal and mucous membranes all rely on calcium to the small droplets by the cells and cell borders walls.
The AMP ( Adenosine monophosphate) Calcium-dependent. This keeps the balance of proteins in the body.
Calcium Even with the release of neurotransmitters. These are crucial for a smooth functioning nervous system.
Calcium is one of the "buffer" in the blood, which helps keep the level of acid /alkaline. Calcium levels in the blood are affected by hormones. If levels drop then tetany could occur, it is a condition that causes tremors and involuntary contractions of the muscles.
Osteoporosis, which means "porous bone", is in epidemic proportions especially for women after menopause. It is a painful and potentially crippling disease caused by the loss of calcium in the bones. Until the age of fifty up to 25 percent of the skeleton could be missing due to osteoporosis, this can increase the risk of bone fractures, loss of Korpergrae and formation of a "widow's hump" all due to the dilution and soft bones. This will affect one in three women and one in twelve men aged seventy.
The conventional explanation of osteoporosis in women of a certain age more than men is that once they stop menstruating women produces only a small amount of estrogen that helps to calcium in their bones. This is the reason why women is recommended that the hormone replacement therapy (HRT). This is not the case, as research has shown that progesterone stimulate osteoblasts to produce new bone and progesterone, it increases the bone density of four times, estrogen promotes osteoclast cells only stops the loss of old bone.
A women stop ovulating in the period before and after menopause. Although the body produces a little in the amount of estrogen, if no egg is released will not progesterone is produced. Scientists now believe that the lack of estrogen-progesterone not think that is precipitating osteoporosis.
This is not the only factor for the cause of osteoporosis; diet is also an essential factor for the reason, it is rare in some cultural groups. The lack of calcium in the diet is not thought to have a huge Baring to osteoporosis, in fact, the Bantu tribes of Africa have on average calcium intake of 400 women suffer and their little osteoporosis whereas the Eskimos have a significant higher intake of calcium in their diet, but their wives are suffering from high cases of osteoporosis. The problem seems to be too much protein diet.
The Eskimos have more protein in their diet than the Bantu tribes. Protein-rich foods are acid. The body can not tolerate acid level changes and uses the alkalis - sodium and calcium to neutralise the acidic effect. When all the sodium reserves are exhausted through the body takes calcium from the bones. This is the reason why a high-protein diet acid form leads to calcium deficiency and can also be the primary cause of osteoporosis. This may explain why vegetarians women suffer less from osteoporosis. In fact, vegetarians usually need less calcium than those who eat meat, because the reduction of the intake of protein.
Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids in fish oil and evening primrose oil taken when large doses increase the absorption of calcium from the Vitamin D as bowel. Not only they increase calcium absorption, but they also reduce calcium loss in urine. PUFAs prevent the abnormal deposition of calcium in soft tissues and increase calcium levels in the bones. PUFAs can use the bone loss in menopause.
In summary, calcium is a very important mineral in the food especially with women in menopause age. You can use the onset of osteoporosis and bone loss and reduce fragility. It is also important for pregnant women, children grow and the elderly.
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